She Experienced… 30 Days of Self-Love Challenge
Happy September!!! I have been wanting to do a 30 day challenge for a while, but there are only a few months that have 30 days (30 days pass September, April, June + November). Sooo, what better time to do my challenge than right now?! I want to challenge all women (and men) reading this to practice self-love this month. As women we give so much of ourselves to and uplift everyone else that we often forget about ourselves. How can we truly show the love of Christ to others if we haven’t learned to love ourselves? Stop telling yourself that you aren’t pretty enough, smart enough, small enough or even big enough to do what God has called you to do. “If I just loose ___ pounds, I’ll feel better”, “I’m not smart enough for that”, “I’m too fat”, “I’m too skinny”, “My hair is too thick (or thin)”. This is just SOME of the negative talk that we give ourselves each day. It’s no wonder we haven’t lived up to our true potential, lost the weight we desire to lose or accomplish the goals we want. How can you if you are constantly putting yourself down?
I want to spend the next 30 days with you on this journey of self-love. Each day over the next 30 days of September (pray for me), I will be posting different ways you can show yourself some love. I would LOVE for you to join in by either reposting the Instagram, Facebook and Twitter posts or posting a picture of yourself possibly doing the thing I suggest in the post – all with the hashtag #SE30DAYCHALLENGE. Encourage other women (and men – trying not to discriminate) to join in on this challenge of self-love. We ALL need to get in the habit of practicing loving on ourselves and seeing ourselves the way Christ sees us.
Happy Self-Love Month!!!!
Until next time…
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