So let’s talk about organization. We all desire to be organized in one way or another in our lives. Whether we like to admit it or not but organization helps make life a little easier and while it can be painful or time consuming, it’s so necessary. I consider myself to be a very organized person, so I want to share with you some tips to help you get a little more organized in 2016.
Write it down. If you don’t have a planner, get one! It’s so necessary for planning out your day, your week and your month, keeping track of your appointments and tasks and keeping yourself organized. Putting things in writing is always helpful for solidifying plans. It helps you to visualize everything you need to do and hopefully prioritize those plans. It’s important to have your daily and weekly to-do lists written down in your planner.
Prioritize your tasks. In writing down your tasks it’s important to prioritize each of those tasks. Determine what’s important, what needs to be done when, and how much time each task will take. This can help you manage your time wisely and tackle your day accordingly.
Ask for help. Finding a balance between getting the job done alone and relying on your support system is key to proper organization in both the professional and the personal. If you’re like me you might try to do it all on your own. This can lead to stress and feeling overwhelmed. It’s okay to ask for help when you need it.
Give yourself enough time. One important aspect about being organized is giving yourself enough time to get the job done. This includes arriving to work, appointments, etc. on time. When you are crunched for time then you are bound to forget about something and also likely to leave something undone. If you know that it will take you a few hours to complete a task, give yourself that time. Don’t try to squeeze multiple things into that time slot.
Keep your work space/area neat and clean. There is nothing worse than a messy workplace. If you want to be better organized than your workspace should reflect that. If you have tons of post it notes, folders and/or papers all over your workspace then you may have a difficult time keeping track of things and staying focused. Everything should have a place and be put in its place. This also applies to your home. Keep it neat and clean!
Add visual reminders. Visual reminders of your goals or tasks also help you to get it done and stay on track. Post-its, vision boards, dry erase boards and wall calendar all serve as visual aids for goals and tasks. Visualizing your goals can help you better achieve them – law of attraction anyone?
Practice. If you want to be better organized it certainly won’t happen overnight. It takes time and practice. It has to become a daily routine for you in order for it to become a habit. Make the decision to better organize your life and put it into practice everyday.